Koenig-Food-Safety,-LLC - Services

Infant Formula Specialists

Infant formula production requires the highest level of sanitation, hygiene and care. High hygiene facility design and programs are our specialty. We can provide guidance on modifying existing facilities, or assist with the initial design to meet stringent infant formula production requirements.

Environmental Pathogen Monitoring

An effective, risk-based method to monitor for and control environmental pathogens is critical to maintaining a clean and hygienic food processing facility. We can design a program to meet your risk level, provide training and implementation support. Be prepared in case of an FDA visit or swab-a-thon. Know where your trouble spots are ahead of time and take steps to correct them.

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Assessments and Training

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) are the cornerstone of food safety processing. We can perform a gap assessment, develop a program to close any gaps, train your employees and help with implementation and follow up.

SQF and other GFSI Certification

GFSI certification is the most recognized method world-wide that provides manufacturers and retailers a level of assurance that suppliers have an effective food safety and quality system in place. We will develop documented programs, training and implementation strategies with your team to ensure successful audits.


Koenig Food Safety, LLC provides guidance on HACCP compliance, can assess existing plans, close gaps and validate plans as well as provide necessary HACCP training.

New HACCP plan development: We will develop plans for you or assist your team in creating plans.

HACCP Plan implementation and training: We can train your personnel in HACCP and provide the tools and help to implement and maintain your HACCP plan.

FSMA Food Safety Plans, Preventive Controls and Regulatory Compliance

FSMA and other regulatory requirements can be challenging to interpret and implement. We can do gap assessments on existing plans or build a plan from scratch to meet today’s complex food safety regulations.

Facility Hygienic Design

Building food safety into the process design results in a facility that is efficient to clean, has hygienic traffic patterns and improved sanitation. Koenig Food Safety, LLC experts can provide guidance on building from the ground up or modifying an existing facility.

Prerequisite Programs

Prerequisite programs are facility-wide policies and procedures that provide the basic environmental and operating conditions that are necessary for production of safe, wholesome food. Koenig Food Safety, LLC will provide well-written prerequisite programs and train your personnel on implementation and maintenance. We are available to support your team throughout the process.

Supplier and Co-manufacturer Compliance and Audits

Our experienced team can perform supplier and co-manufacturer audits nationally and internationally to provide assurance that requirements are met. We can use existing audit formats or customize an audit for specialized needs.

Due Diligence Assessments, Risk Evaluation and Pre-acquisition compliance assessments

Companies considering the purchase of a manufacturing facility or company can contact Koenig Food Safety, LLC to perform a due diligence assessment to verify food safety and quality meet required standards. We will perform a full audit of the facility and provide comprehensive due diligence reports based on observations.

Food Fraud Mitigation Plans

Food Fraud is the deliberate and intentional substitution, addition, tampering, mislabelling or misrepresentation of food products or food ingredients. Food fraud is becoming more common and results in economic loss and brand reputation damage. The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) requires Food Fraud Mitigation Plans to prevent adulteration and food fraud. All GFSI benchmarked Certified Program Owners have or are now integrating food fraud vulnerability assessments and mitigation plans into their certification standards .The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act reinforces the need for the food industry to deter food fraud. Learn more about how Koenig Food Safety, LLC can help you develop, initiate and maintain an effective Food Fraud Mitigation Plan.

Internal audits

Internal audits provide companies with a comprehensive view of their food safety system, providing focus for improvement initiatives, training and documentation updates. Koenig Food Safety, LLC personnel are trained auditors and can provide detailed audit reports to direct continuous improvement and regulatory compliance.

Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP)

In order to be compliant with FDA FSMA requirements, companies importing foods from outside of the US must have a Foreign Supplier Verification Program in place. We can help develop, train and implement a program to meet your facility’s needs.

Food Traceability, FSMA 204 The Food Traceability Rule and Food Defense

Customers and regulators require food processors to have robust traceability and defense programs in place. We can help you develop and implement systems that will keep your food safe and meet requirements.

Listeria, Salmonella and E. coli Monitoring and Control

Food borne pathogens are a serious concern in the food industry and stringent controls are needed to maintain product safety. Koenig Food Safety, LLC experts can evaluate your testing program, facility, and sanitation programs and provide valuable recommendations on improving your defense against pathogens.

Request A Consultation

Choose a trusted advisor who understands your unique challenges and can create a customized solution that ensures long-term success within the food chain.
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